Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

Commie Nyemplung ke Air? Coba Ini!

Ini pernah terjadi pada Commie kawan saya. Saat anda sadar nyemplung, segera angkat dan copot baterenya. Segera! Jangan mencoba untuk menyalakannya. the reason why our phones stop working after its in the water is because you try to turn it on again without letting it dry and the battery shorts the phone. now u have to be patient this si the ONLY WAY.

u have to put ur phone in a bag of rice... ya, sata tahu kedengarannya gak masuk akal ya? but the rice sucks up all the moisture.. biarkan 2-3 hari...WITHOUT turning the phone off..that is crucial.

and then coba taruh diatas benda yang hangat seperti pesawat tv... temen gue melakukan hal tersebut dan ternyata berhasil dengan baik. i swear it was even sitting in water for over 30 secs. GOOD LUCK..and whatever you do..DO NOT CHECK TO SEE IF IT WORKS...wait at least 2.5 full days. good luck

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